by Jelena Obradovic | Nov 15, 2024 | NEWS
The Serbian Demolition Association is organizing its annual conference titled “WHERE-WHITHER-HOW”.
The main topics of this year’s conference will include new legal regulations and their practical implementation, how to create frameworks for the newly established industry across all areas of work, problems arising in the application of new regulations, and the education of all stakeholders involved in the processes related to demolition, decontamination, and recycling.
A special focus will be placed on the standardization of new materials and the processes for obtaining them, reducing the carbon footprint, new EU regulations related to the inspection of buildings, the preparation of plans, selection, design, and execution of demolitions, as well as the storage and production of new construction materials.
The conference will feature speakers from local companies presenting their activities, as well as works initiated by the scientific community on this topic. Representatives of EQAR will also be present, along with guests and lecturers from Austria, France, Sweden, and Bulgaria.
We will present educational programs and support related to the new conditions in demolition and construction processes for companies, as well as for local governments, to help them better prepare for document reviews and land preparation for new material collection sites, as well as setting up production facilities for new construction materials.
The conference will take place at the “Majestic” hotel in Belgrade on November 29, 2023, starting at 10:00 AM.
The registration fee for participants is 9,000 RSD.
Kneza Miloša 25/1, 11000 Belgrade
Account: 265-3300310005519-40
For any inquiries or consultations, you can contact us via email at
Kind regards,
Dejan Bojović
President of the Serbian Demolition Association
by Jelena Obradovic | Dec 4, 2023 | NEWS
The Annual Conference of the European Demolition Association (EDA) for the year 2024 will be held in Belgrade, Serbia. The Serbian Demolition Association(SDA) proudly hosts this prestigious event.
The conference is scheduled to take place from June 13th to June 15th and will bring together experts from around the world engaged in the demolition, decontamination, and recycling (DDR) industry. In collaboration with the European Decontamination Institute (EDI), this gathering presents a unique opportunity for knowledge exchange and sharing experiences among leaders in this important industry.
Through this decision, the European Demolition Association (EDA) has shown us great respect, demonstrating a willingness to support our activities. Choosing Serbia and Belgrade as the location for this event represents a significant opportunity for the development of the demolition, decontamination, and recycling industry in our region.
All information regarding the conference program and registrations can be found on the official EDA website.
See you soon in Belgrade!
Link for information and registration:
by Jelena Obradovic | Oct 29, 2023 | NEWS
The Serbian Demolition Association is organizing the fourth annual conference titled “DECONSTRUCTION AND PUBLIC INTEREST”.
The topics of this year’s conference are new legal regulations and their implementation in practice, how to create the framework of the newly established industry in all segments of work, problems arising in the application of new regulations, and of course the education of all involved in the process related to demolition, decontamination, and recycling. The special focus will be on designing new places to receive this type of resources, and on sorting out old landfills.
The speakers at the conference will be representatives of domestic companies with their own activities, as well as the scientific community who will represent their work.
Award ceremony on the topic “Circular economy in construction-demolition, decontamination, recycling”, at the national level in the category of student, master, and doctoral theses.
The conference will be held at the Majestic Hotel in Belgrade on November 29, 2023. starting at 10 a.m.
If you are interested in attending the event we are organizing, you can get all the information by calling our phone or emailing
by Jelena Obradovic | Oct 28, 2023 | NEWS
Поштовани ,
Српска асоцијација за рушење, деконтаминацију и рециклажу организује своју годишњу
конференцију под назибом „ ДЕКОНСТРУКЦИЈА И ЈАВНИ ИНТЕРЕС“.
Оквирне теме овогодишње конференције су нова законска регулатива и њихова примена
у пракси, како створити оквире новопостављене индуструје у свим сегментима рада,
проблеми који се јављају у примени нових прописа, и наравно о едукацији свих
чинилаца у процесу који се односе на рушење, деконтаминацију и рециклажу.Посебан
осврт ће бити на пројектовању нових места за примање ове врсте ресурса, и наравно на
сређивању старих депонија.
Конференцији ће као предавачи бити представници домаћих компанија са својим
активностима и наравно биће представљени и радови научне заједнице који су
иницирани овом темом.
Додела награда на тему „Циркуларна економија у грађевинарству-рушење,
деконтаминација, рециклажа“, на националном нивоу у категорији студентских, мастер и
докторских радова.
Конференција ће се одржати у хотелу „Мажестик“ у Београду, 29.11.2023.г. са почетком у
Уколико сте ѕаинтересовани да присуствујете догађају који органиѕујемо, све информације можете добити поѕивом на наш телефон или на мејл
by Jelena Obradovic | Dec 2, 2022 | NEWS
After a two-year hiatus in organizing conferences, we finally managed to get together and have a great time. Like every conference we have organized so far, this one also had a topic which was about hazardous materials in construction.
The name of the conference was “HABITS-PRACTICE-RULES” to intrigue the public and decision-makers about the areas in which we work.
We would like to thank all conference participants, exhibitors, and visitors because the atmosphere was interactive, and everyone was extremely active.
The lectures presented examples from practice and education, and we think we made a nice step forward in understanding the new industry for which we stand.
All of this would not have happened without the activities of our members and the help of The Serbian Chamber of Engineers and the SanRock company, who selflessly supported the event we organized.
We would also like to thank the City of Belgrade, the Secretariat for Environmental Protection, who actively participated in the conference, answered all the questions raised, and thereby gave importance to the topic that was the guiding idea for the creation of the conference in this form and scope.
The experiences of our friends from abroad, which they passed on to us (Austria, Sweden, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands), are very important, so that we don’t make the mistakes they made, but learn from their mistakes and make a good domestic model of work and resource management, which we create ourselves.
Representatives of domestic science and research presented an exceptional project on the decontamination of railway ties and thereby contributed to how important this new industry is in our area. The need for better projects within the energy efficiency of buildings was also shown, as hazardous materials would have to be removed, and materials that could be more easily recycled should be installed.
We would single out the works of our members related to the conservation, rehabilitation, and stabilization of wild and unsanitary landfills and their conversion into industrial space, such as solar power plants and space for obtaining hydrogen.
It was not possible without the circular economy in construction, and one such project came to life in the municipality of Čajetina.
For the first time, we had a citizen guest, Mrs. Nataša Kovačević, who gave an overture to the whole event, about the problems that citizens face with the presence of dangerous materials and construction work on buildings.
We, as organizers are extremely satisfied with the open questions, the solutions given, as well as the fact that we ceremoniously presented internationally recognized certificates to the companies that completed the asbestos training.
We have a lot of work ahead of us in order to fulfill the assigned tasks and present them at the next conference.

by Jelena Obradovic | Nov 2, 2022 | NEWS
The Serbian Demolition association (SDA) is organizing the fourth international conference called “Habits-Practice-Rules”.
The conference will be held on November 29, 2022, at the Majestic Hotel in Belgrade, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
We expect the presence of representatives of relevant ministries, the city of Belgrade, other local governments, the academic and scientific community, and contractors.
Colleagues from leading European countries in this field will also participate in the Conference. They will talk about key topics from this very important sector that is completely neglected in our country.
Colleagues from Sweden will talk about the digitalization of education, from the Netherlands about hazardous materials in construction, participants from Germany about examples of good practices in recycling demolition and construction waste, and our guests from Austria about the Austrian model of recycling.
Together with colleagues from Italy, SDA will hold a presentation on the conservation and revitalization of wild landfills in order to build solar power plants, which are a function of the development of renewable energy sources. We want to present that program to the wider community, especially local self-governments since it is a very important and current topic. It is a long-term project that requires appropriate technology and whose effects are multiple.
The importance of this Conference is great for science and the economy, for our country, which at such gatherings and events accelerates its way towards innovative technological solutions, new advanced ways of working and developing the use of its resources in this multidisciplinary field.
For more information, you can contact us by email:
by Jelena Obradovic | Jul 13, 2022 | NEWS
The event is planned to take place on November 29, 2022. as an international conference and as a mini-fair for potential equipment exhibitors.
This conference is planned for the purpose of broader education about the importance of the circular economy in construction.
We invite all interested parties who wish to participate in the work or visit to contact

by Jelena Obradovic | Mar 13, 2021 | NEWS
HEMIEKO, a member of the Serbian Demolition Association, made ECOCONSOLID M, a new product, partially funded by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development.
The test results showed that this tool strengthens the old mortar 500%, in addition to giving the mortar other extremely good properties, which can be seen from the test results done by our member, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade.
ECOCONSOLID M material can also be applied to new plasters where it gives unusually good results, especially in terms of strength and energy efficiency (reduces water absorption by 3.5 times).

This tool was successfully applied for the first time on the building of the Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, a building that is under state protection.